No Name Youth Ambassadors

No Name Youth Ambassadors

About NNYA

We are the No Name Youth Ambassadors, a non profit organization working towards bettering our community. Our group is made up of teenagers who help renovate public spaces, while planning community events around them! The projects we take on will help change the environment surrounding local areas to help create a positive atmosphere. 

Current Project

Renovating Unnamed Creek

We are working on restoring Unnamed Creek. The creek, as well as its surrounding trails and vegetation, are in need of repair. We are fixing these issues while giving the creek an update to create more opportunities for people to use the creek! This will greatly benefit the schools in the local area, and will allow the creek to be more accessible.

Fixing the Pathways

Making the walking/biking routes along the creek safer is a big goal with this project.

Changing the Vegetation

Fixing the vegetation around the creek will allow it to be safer and more welcoming to users.


Building up the community surrounding the creek so it can once again be enjoyed.

Coming Winter of


Current Project

Renovating Unnamed Creek

We are working on restoring Unnamed Creek. The creek, as well as its surrounding trails and vegetation, are in need of repair. We are fixing these issues while giving the creek an update to create more opportunities for people to use the creek! This will greatly benefit the schools in the local area, and will allow the creek to be more accessible.

Coming Winter of


Fixing the Pathways

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Changing the Vegetation

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Nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip conse quat duis reprehenderit comod.
